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TransFeed is a magazine organised, published and distributed by the Translation Workshop, consisting of a group of senior-year translation students from Hong Kong Baptist University. We aim to give you the best opportunity to delight your mind and feed your spirit. 《翻悅》由一群香港浸會大學翻譯課程學生組成的翻譯工作坊主辦、出版並發行 , 是集休閒資訊於一體 , 第一本關於翻譯課程的雜誌。在每期雜誌中,我們會提供由翻譯學課程師生及不同嘉賓撰寫的文章,分享課程師生動向、精彩活動以及特色主題文章,保證讓你眼界大開!
APA: CHENG, Fung Wing Rain; CHEUNG, Hiu Man; HO, Ka King; LAU, Hang Yee Beracah; LEUNG, Yi Fung; LING, Hoi Ki; PANG, Tsz Ching; SHAM, Ching Lam; SUEN, Yuen Yi; XU, Ziyu鄭豐榮; 張曉敏; 何嘉勁; 劉杏儀; 梁懿楓; 凌凱琪; 彭梓程; 岑靜琳; 孫婉怡; 許子瑜. (2018). TransFeed (inaugural issue)翻悅(創刊號). Retrieved from HKBU Heritage: https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011324
MLA: CHENG, Fung Wing Rain; CHEUNG, Hiu Man; HO, Ka King; LAU, Hang Yee Beracah; LEUNG, Yi Fung; LING, Hoi Ki; PANG, Tsz Ching; SHAM, Ching Lam; SUEN, Yuen Yi; XU, Ziyu鄭豐榮; 張曉敏; 何嘉勁; 劉杏儀; 梁懿楓; 凌凱琪; 彭梓程; 岑靜琳; 孫婉怡; 許子瑜. "TransFeed (inaugural issue)翻悅(創刊號)". HKBU Heritage. HKBU Library, 2018. Web. 18 Oct. 2024. <https://heritage.lib.hkbu.edu.hk/routes/view/ids/HER-011324>.

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Journey to the Top
KWOK, Sze Wing
Journey to the Top
TransFeed (inaugural issue)
CHENG, Fung Wing Rain; CHEUNG, Hiu Man; HO, Ka King; LAU, Hang Yee Beracah; LEUNG, Yi Fung; LING, Hoi Ki; PANG, Tsz Ching; SHAM, Ching Lam; SUEN, Yuen Yi; XU, Ziyu